The Library Board is the primary governing body of the Library. The Board meets monthly with the Director, (Sarah Lester) to oversee policies of operation, to obtain adequate funding and to promote the library. The Foundation Board also meets with the Director, but our issues revolve around fundraising and long range planning needs for the library outside of the annual operating budget. We are not involved in the “day-to-day” operationally or financially.
Since 1942, Friends of the Library has provided vital support for the Library–funding the Children’s summer programming, audio-books and a host of other improvements. The Foundation and Friends share the same goal of helping the library, but the Foundation has the mechanisms to accommodate larger donations with a long range investment plan. That being said, we welcome contributions of all sizes.
While the Library Board and Friends are completely separate from the Foundation, we coordinate plans and future needs regularly. We are all serving the same entity, only with varying roles.
Photo by Chad Hunt.
“I recently retired after 30 years as a Maplewood librarian. The staff has always taken pride in a tradition of great public service, and they know how much the library patrons appreciate it. But over the years the library building has grown tired and out of date. A modernized, expanded library is needed to provide the latest technology, better spaces for public meetings and small group collaboration, and more quiet areas for people to work and study, along with all the books, magazines and movies. The Library Foundation’s Capital Campaign will make this possible, and that’s why I am a supporter.”