Financial Contributions are the lifeblood of our Foundation and directly benefit the rebuilding of the Maplewood Memorial Library.
Donations come in all shapes and sizes, so if you wish to make a gift online, by mail or by security transfer, the directions are as follows:
To support our New Library please click on the DONATE button below.
*Please also indicate on the PayPal memo line or in the Credit Card special instruction box, to which fund(s) you are contributing.
(SCG) Sustainability Challenge Grant and Capital Campaign
(DEI) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Fund
Questions can be directed to maplewoodlibraryfoundation@gmail.com
Donors who wish to make a contribution by check or money order should mail their donation to:
The Maplewood Library Foundation
129 Boyden Avenue
Maplewood, New Jersey, 07040
The Foundation has an account with Fidelity Investments. If you wish to make a gift of stock or other securities, there are two simple steps.
Email our Board Member in charge of investments, Diane Haase at maplewoodlibraryfoundation@gmail.com. She will provide you with our Fidelity DTC and routing number. You may then instruct your bank or broker where to send the shares. It’s really that simple.
(Selling appreciated securities adds to your tax bill. Why not just give a few shares to the library and write it off instead?)
The Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) entity and all donations will be acknowledged with a letter for the IRS.
There are many opportunities for people who wish to donate their time and expertise to the Foundation. Some current needs include help with fundraising, planning and offering promotional assistance and serving as a board or advisory board member.
If you wish to donate your time in any of these or other ways, please contact our board at maplewoodlibraryfoundation@gmail.com
“In 1956, as a 12-year-old boy I witnessed with pride the dedication of the Maplewood Memorial Library building on Baker Street. Now, over 60 years later, I consider it a great privilege to be able to play a small role in renewing and enlarging that building. Our new Library will be a shining beacon of light, learning and inspiration, welcoming the people of Maplewood now and for future generations to come.”
Below you will find the Library Foundation’s 2022 annual appeal letter including a description of two exciting initiatives:
A Sustainability Challenge Grant
The Fay P. And Robert A. Marchman Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Fund
Scroll to the bottom of this page for "the Slideshow Button” to view new renderings and comprehensive design plans for the new library!
The video replay of the Maplewood Library Town Hall Event is now available!
If you missed the Architect’s presentation or would like to share it with others, please use the link below to see the final plans and renderings.
We have also included a link to the slideshow.